Family Group
Richard Treat
Born: 28 AUG 1584 - Of Pitminster, Somerset, England
Marr: 27 APR 1615 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
Died: 14 FEB 1669 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Father: Robert Treat (Trott)
Mother: Honora (Honour) _____
Other Spouses: Mrs Richard Treat Joanna _____
Alice Gaylord
Born: 10 MAY 1594 - Of Pitminster, Somerset, England
Died: 21 OCT 1614 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Father: Hugh Gaylord
Mother: Alice Alwyn
Other Spouses:
Honor Treat
Born: 19 MAR 1615 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
Died: 21 NOV 1705 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Joanna Treat
Born: 24 MAY 1618 - South Trundle, Pitminster, Somersetshire
Marr: 1641(other spouses) - John Hollister
Died: OCT 1694 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Sarah Treat
Born: 3 DEC 1620 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
Died: 1673 - Newark, Essex, New Jersey
Richard Treat
Born: 9 JAN 1623 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
Died: FEB 1693 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Robert Treat
Born: 23 FEB 1625 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
Died: 12 JUL 1710 - Milford, New Haven, Connecticut
Elizabeth Treat
Born: 25 JUL 1627 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
Died: 1706 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Susanna Treat
Born: 8 OCT 1629 - Of, Weathersfield, Hartford, Conn
Died: 1705/1709 - Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
Alice Treat
Born: 16 FEB 1631 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
Died: 2 AUG 1633 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
James Treat
Born: 20 JUL 1634 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
Died: 12 FEB 1709 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
James (Lt.) Treat
Born: 20 JUL 1634 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
Died: 12 FEB 1709 -
Katharine Treat
Born: 29 JUN 1637 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
Died: 29 NOV 1655 - Prob. New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Thomas Treat
Born: 1639 - Pitminister, Somerset, England
Died: - Wethersfield?, Hartford, Connecticut
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Family Group
William Goodrich
Born: 13 FEB 1621 - Bury, St James, Suffolk, England
Marr: ABT 1642 - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Died: 14 NOV 1676 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Father: John Goodrich
Mother: Margerie Howe
Other Spouses: Sarah Marvin Elizabeth (Mrs) Goodrich Rebecca _____
Rebecca _____
Born: -
Died: -
Other Spouses:
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Family Group
William Goodrich
Born: 13 FEB 1621 - Bury, St James, Suffolk, England
Marr: -
Died: 14 NOV 1676 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Father: John Goodrich
Mother: Margerie Howe
Other Spouses: Sarah Marvin Rebecca _____ Rebecca _____
Elizabeth (Mrs) Goodrich
Born: -
Died: -
Other Spouses:
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Generated Jul 26, 2002
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Family Group
William Goodrich
Born: 13 FEB 1621 - Bury, St James, Suffolk, England
Marr: -
Died: 14 NOV 1676 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Father: John Goodrich
Mother: Margerie Howe
Other Spouses: Sarah Marvin Rebecca _____ Elizabeth (Mrs) Goodrich
Rebecca _____
Born: -
Died: -
Other Spouses:
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Family Group
John Goodrich
Born: 1587 - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Marr: 7 AUG 1615 - St. James, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, En
Died: 19 APR 1632 - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Father: William Goodrich
Mother: Margaret Richardson
Other Spouses:
Margerie Howe
Born: 1 SEP 1588 - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Died: 21 APR 1632 - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Father: John Howes
Mother: Margery Lonsdale
Other Spouses:
William Goodrich
Born: 3 DEC 1616 - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Died: 1 JUL 1678 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Jeremy Gooderich
Born: <1619> - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Died: -
Henry Goodrich
Born: 14 NOV 1619 - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Died: NOV 1619 - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Richard Goodrich
Born: 1621 - England
Died: -
William Goodrich
Born: 13 FEB 1621 - Bury, St James, Suffolk, England
Marr: 1648(other spouses) - Sarah Marvin
Died: 14 NOV 1676 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Elizabeth Goodrich
Born: -
Died: -
John Goodrich
Born: 21 DEC 1623 - St. James, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, En
Died: 6 APR 1680 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Martha Goodrich
Born: 30 JAN 1624 - St. James, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, En
Died: - England
Rebecca Goodrich
Born: ABT 1625 - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Died: -
Jeremy Goodrich
Born: 24 JUN 1627 - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Died: 1677 - Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
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